Friday, October 7, 2016

Openly Lesbian Kenyan Rapper 'Grammo Suspect' Drops New Video ‘#InJustice’

After releasing her first video, a spoken word poetry ‘Our Love is Valid’ on February this year, Grammo suspect is at it again.

She is launching her second video, from her album ‘Embrace Diversity’ that focuses on matters affecting the LGBT community in Kenya and Africa in general.

The single titled #Injustice,  is a spoken word poetry that speaks of lives of 3 members of the LGBT community. They are brought together in this piece by the injustices they have faced and continue to encounter in their daily lives.
She features a Ugandan artist named Poyzone.
The vocals are accompanied by a reggae beat created by magic hands of the undisputed producer Herbalist of Herbal Records.

“This work is an inspiration from true stories derived from my campaign#HomosexualityIsNotAnoneIssueInKenya ,where i get to talk to Kenyan members of the LGBT community that have experienced discrimination,humiliation and harassment of every nature,” she says.
Watch #Injustice below:


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